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Reactivation eBook Codes

What you need to know about Reactivation eBooks.

20th October, 2019  |  3 minute read

If you have purchased a second hand textbook, you may be wondering if you can access the eBook that comes inside the book.

Some eBooks last for the lifetime of the book whilst other eBooks cannot be used again once they’ve been accessed before. In this case, a ‘Reactivation eBook’ will come in handy. This will give you access to the eBook again at a reduced price.


What is a Reactivation eBook and how do they work?

A Reactivation eBook is a product that gives you full access to an eBook again if it’s been used already by the previous owner. It’s not a physical item, but an additional eBook code that is used to reactivate the eBook in your second hand textbook. It gives it a second life!

You must have the second hand textbook with you when you are ready to use your Reactivation eBook because you will be asked to provide some information from inside the book.

Reactivation eBooks can be purchased at a reduced cost from Lilydale Books.


Why should I buy a Reactivation eBook?

If you already have a second hand textbook, there is no obligation to buy a Reactivation eBook unless it is listed on your school booklist as a requirement. Some schools will specify that it’s mandatory that students have access to the eBook, read on to find out why.

Purchasing a Reactivation eBook to access your eBook again means your teacher can add you to their digital classroom, assign tests, videos to watch and other interactive assessment tasks. The online access provides exclusive content that may not be found in the textbook alone.

Keep in mind there may be no need to purchase a reactivation eBook if the previous owner did not activate it to begin with. This is explained below.


How can I check if the eBook has been accessed?

It is possible that the eBook in your second hand textbook can still be used. Look inside the front or back cover and follow the instructions on how to access the eBook on the publisher’s portal. If you complete the steps and gain access to the eBook – great!

If your access is denied or you received an error message, this means the previous owner may have accessed the eBook already. Follow the link below to the available reactivation codes.


Purchase a Reactivation eBook today!

To view the range of reactivation eBooks that can be purchased from Lilydale Books please click here.

Currently Lilydale Books stocks Reactivation eBooks for Cambridge, Macmillan, Pearson (Heinemann) and Jacaranda (eBookPLUS, LearnON & StudyON).


Check to see if the code has been activated before committing to purchase a second hand book

If you are looking to buy a second hand book from a friend, family member or through Lilydale Books, you can use the links below to check to see if the eBook has been activated already. This will confirm whether you need to purchase a Reactivation eBook or not.

Currently, these publishers allow you to check if the eBook has been activated:

To check if your eBook code has been activated, click here.

To check if your eBook code has been activated, click here.

For all other publishers, Lilydale Books recommends contacting the publisher directly if you are unsure whether the eBook inside your textbook has been activated and to receive the most up-to-date information.


Food for thought…

Before committing to buying a second hand textbook, consider if it is worthwhile purchasing the textbook new instead. If the cost difference is minimal between a new textbook vs a second hand textbook with an additional Reactivation eBook, a textbook might be worth purchasing new for peace of mind. You are guaranteed access to the eBook inside the textbook.

In most cased the cost for reactivation is minimal however you want to make sure that the overall spending for a second hand textbook and Reactivation eBook is still cost effective for you.


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Reactivation eBooks
Reactivation eBook Codes
Reactivate my eBook
How do I reactivate my eBook
Second hand books
Ebook in second hand book
Cambridge code
Rectivation Code Cambridge
Jacaranda code
Reactivation Code Jacaranda
Macmillan code
Reactivation Code Macmillan
Pearson Places
Cambridge Go
Macmillan Education Everywhere
Code Check