Earning money for the first time can be very rewarding. For teenagers earning money from part-time work at food outlets and retail stores, from their own small businesses and from their hobbies, there are more opportunities than ever for a motivated ...
Show more...- ISBN: 9781922607188
- Author: Scott Francis
- Publication Date: 2024
- Publisher: Amba Press
- Product Type: Textbook
- Format: Paperback
- Edition: First
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Earning money for the first time can be very rewarding. For teenagers earning money from part-time work at food outlets and retail stores, from their own small businesses and from their hobbies, there are more opportunities than ever for a motivated young adult to earn some money.
In the Financial Literacy Handbook, Scott Francis provides financial education to help students learn money lessons they can take for life, to be confident talking about their money and to make better-informed financial decisions. This book covers crucial financial topics including spending, saving, investing, financial goals, credit card and high interest debt, key paperwork, building budgets, and understanding tax and superannuation.
Whether you’ve already earned some money through work or are still learning to earn an income, you’ll find practical strategies that will help you make wise financial choices, become confident in managing your financial skills and positioning yourself for financial success in the future.
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