VCAA English and EAL List 2024


New titles announced for the VCAA English & EAL List 2024

February 25, 2023  |  2-3 minute read 

When choosing your texts, remember to follow the selection guidelines as outlined by the VCAA. If you want to explore your options, replace a title or are simply curious to see what titles will be listed in 2024, please see below.

Click here to download an easy to read flyer.





Achebe, Chinua, Things Fall Apart
Arnott, Robbie, Flames 
Austen, Jane, Pride and Prejudice
Erpenbeck, Jenny, Go, Went, Gone
Franklin, Miles, My Brilliant Career
García Márquez, Gabriel, Chronicle of a Death Foretold (NEW FOR 2024)
Jackson, Shirley, We Have Always Lived in the Castle
Ogawa, Yōko, The Memory Police (NEW FOR 2024)


Hadley, Tessa, Bad Dreams and Other Stories 
Munro, Alice, Runaway 


Harrison, Jane, Rainbow’s End
Shakespeare, William, Much Ado About Nothing
Sophocles, Oedipus the King (NEW FOR 2024)


Papertalk Greene, Charmaine and Kinsella, John, False Claims of Colonial Thieves 
Wordsworth, William, William Wordsworth: Poems selected by Seamus Heaney 


Johnson, Stephen (director), High Ground
Wilder, Billy (director), Sunset Boulevard


Ottley, Matt, Requiem for a Beast


Noah, Trevor, Born a Crime
Laveau-Harvie, Vicki, The Erratics


LIST 2 (NEW FOR 2024)

Writing about personal journeys
Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi, ‘The Danger of a Single Story’
Duong, Amy, ‘The Red Plastic Chair is a Vietnamese Cultural Institution, and My Anchor’ (Click here to read SBS article & Click here to buy book)
Hodge, Maya, ‘bidngen’
López, Matthew, Walter’s speech (end of Part 1) from The Inheritance (See video below or click here to view on YouTube)

Writing about play

Gay, Virginia, 'Monologue from Cyrano' (See below, or click here to view on Youtube)

Roffey, Chelsea, ‘An Open Letter to Doubting Thomas’
Russon, Penni, ‘All That We Know of Dreaming’
Winton, Tim, ‘About the Boys’

Writing about country

Chekhov, Anton, ‘Gooseberries’ (Click here to buy book.)
Clarke, Maxine Beneba, Chapter 2, 'The Hate Race'
Kassab, Yumna, ‘The Conquest of Land and Dream’
Lynch, Cassie, ‘Split’  (Flock, includes the short story 'Split')

Writing about protest

Gillespie, Mark, ‘Friday Essay: On the Sydney Mardi Gras March of 1978’
Pankhurst, Emmeline, ‘Freedom or Death’
Vonnegut, Kurt, ‘Harrison Bergeron’ (Welcome to the Monkey House, contains the story 'Harrison Bergeron')
Wyatt, Meyne, 'Monologue from City of Gold' (See below, or Click here to to watch the Youtube video)


Click here to download an easy to read flyer.


The following titles which appear on the 2023 VCAA list ARE NOT listed for 2024:

Doerr, Anthony, All the Light We Cannot See
Jordan, Toni, Nine Days
Mandel, Emily St. John, Station Eleven
Euripides, The Women of Troy
de Heer, Rolf (director), Charlie’s Country
Frears, Stephen (director), The Queen
Malouf, David, Ransom
Amsterdam, Steven, Things We Didn’t See Coming
Ishiguro, Kazuo, Never Let Me Go
Szubanski, Magda, Reckoning
Tóibín, Colm, Brooklyn
Miller, Arthur, The Crucible
Ham, Rosalie, The Dressmaker
Ziegler, Anna, Photograph 51
Enoch, Wesley and Mailman, Debra, The 7 Stages of Grieving
D’Aguiar, Fred, The Longest Memory
Yousafzai, Malala, with Lamb, Christina, I Am Malala
Warchus, Matthew (director), Pride



Once you have selected your texts from lists 1 and 2, you may want to explore what study resources are available to assist students’ learning and comprehension of their set texts.

The Insight Comparison texts are excellent resources that will help students write comprehensive essays comparing the texts being studied in class. Insight have created a range of comparisons that suit the texts being compared from list 2.

Available ATAR Notes Guides for the following VCAA English List titles:

ATAR Notes Text Guide: Things Fall Apart
ATAR Notes Text Guide: Pride and Prejudice
ATAR Notes Text Guide: Much Ado ABout Nothing
ATAR Notes Text Guide: William Wordsworth Selected Poems

Insight Text Guides available for the following titles:

Insight Text Guide: Things Fall Apart
Insight Text Guide: Flames
Insight Text Guide: Go, Went, Gone
Insight Text Guide: Chronicle of a Death Foretold
Insight Text Guide: We Have Always Lived in the Castle
Insight Text Guide: The Memory Police
Insight Text Guide: Bad Dreams and Other Stories
Insight Text Guide: Runaway
Insight Text Guide: Rainbow's End
Insight Text Guide: Much Ado ABout Nothing
Insight Text Guide: False Claims of Colonial Thieves
Insight Text Guide: William Wordsworth Selected Poems
Insight Text Guide: High Ground
Insight Text Guide: Sunset Boulevard
Insight Text Guide: Requiem for a Beast
Insight Text Guide: Born a Crime
Insight Text Guide: The Erratics

Other available English/EAL resources:

Insight Framework of Ideas: Writing About Country
Insight Framework of Ideas: Writing About Personal Journeys
Insight Framework of Ideas: Writing About Play
Insight Framework of Ideas: Writing About Protest

ATAR Notes Frameworks: Writing About Country
ATAR Notes Frameworks: Writing About Personal Journeys
ATAR Notes Frameworks: Writing About Play
ATAR Notes Frameworks: Writing About Protest

At this point in time the following information is provided to the best of our knowledge. This article will be updated as new information arises.


Get in touch!

If your school would like more information on these titles or would like any of the above mentioned titles invoiced or on approval please send an email to

The information in this article is cited from the Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority.



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VCAA English list 2024
VCAA EAL list 2024
VCAA Literature 2024
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